Competence Network Stroke
Stroke is a cerebrovascular disease. An obstruction or a disruption of a blood vessel in the brain leads to an acute circulatory disturbance ("ischemic stroke") or to a bleeding ("hemorrhagic stroke"). This results in a lack of oxygen and energy supply and eventually in the death of the affected neuronal tissue. In Germany every year about 150.000 people suffer a stroke, one third of these patients die within the first year. Most survivors are struck with a permanent neurological deficit. Currently, about one million patients suffer from the effects of this illness. The Competence Network Stroke aims to help these people with interdisciplinary, practice-oriented research.
Actors in the field of health care, clinical scientists, fundamental researchers, as well as self-help groups and other organizations work in this nationwide research partnership. The network combines and links existing research potentials to make further advances in the prevention and treatment of stroke. The objective is to provide patients with research results as quickly as possible. The BMBF has been supporting the Competence Network Stroke since 1999.